2015/06/28 13:00 Leaving Ohana. Always a sad time. Thanks to all my Fraternal Order of Moai fellows and friends
Much fun was had by all.
2015/06/12 15:00 This is what you all have been waiting for. Khan Tiki Mon and Mary Ann (Scott and Dawn). Woo hoo!
2015/0530 23:00 Today Alice ran in the 'Dolphin Dash' at Lemoyne College. After the race we went to the Olive Garden.
2015/05/31 19:00 Alice and I went to Chittenango Landing on the Old Erie Canal. We went to the museum and walked around outside.
A cake made of diapers. IDK. I guess it is a baby shower thing.
2015/06/07 18:00 Today was Adison's baby shower.
We punched holes in a cardboard box and stuffed craisins in them for the Red Pandas.
2015/06/25 19:20 Caveman party Club Bedrock. The Neandertals are playing.
2015/06/01 14:00 First of June. First day in the first Summer month.
2015/06/13 10:00 I am staying at the Hyatt Regency Pier 66 in Fort Lauderdale. You may have heard of the "Bat" phone; a dedicated line used to summon the superhero Batman. Well, here I give you the "Bath" phone. I am not sure I want to know what the "Bath" phone summons forth.
I brought my frozen concoction maker and made frozen daiquiris.
Eating out at the Olive Garden.
2015/06/11 23:50 Goodnight from Fort Lauderdale.
Karen and I met Michelle at Panera for lunch.
Karen made a brackish seawater punch.
2015/06/19 16:30 Tristan says, "Pop, when I ask Bamma to play Pokemon she says she stinks at those games. And you know what - she does".
2015/06/06 18:00 Zoo camp today was about the Red Panda.
2015/06/21 14:15 Alice is my best art critic. She. asked me to make her a Playdoh squid. One of the eyes fell off. She said, "Pop it's perfect! A dead squid. It lost an eye when it got killed. Thanks!"
2015/06/12 12:00 I met this nice young lady who said she was from Texas. I said I know Texas is a big state but do you know Alice Berry? She said of course!!
2015/05/28 18:00 In upstate New York PACE CNY is an alternative to nursing care that allows the frail elderly to continue to live in the community. It is a non-profit community based managed-care program. By request I provided an afternoon’s entertainment. I gave a short lecture on the history of Tiki. Some people think I am a little boring so in defense of that I served cocktails to go with the speech. There was a non-alcoholic fruit punch in my fountain and then something a little stronger; frozen daiquiris from my frozen concoction maker. I played some music during the program including Martin Denny’s version of “Quiet Village”. After my little presentation one lady told me how all her brothers had served in the Pacific Theater during WWII. Another lady told me of her trips to Hawaii that occurred shortly after statehood was attained. Then a very nice man told me that when he was in high school his high school girlfriend gave a dance recital where the music she had selected to perform to was Martin Denny’s “Quiet Village”. Imagine that. I did.
2015/05/25 17:00 I have a few construction projects going on at the old homestead. One of them is building a patio out back where my new door in the dining room is. Right now the door goes nowhere because there are no stairs. I can’t build the stairs until the patio is done. There was a stump in the way and I have been dreading taking it out. I started today. First blow from my ax and I discovered the stump was soft and rotten and completely infested with ants. It was pretty easy removing the stump although I did manage to hit myself in the ankle with the ax. I didn’t break the skin but I have a nasty bruise.
Aunt Adison and cousin Elliot with Alice and Tristan.
2015/05/24 23:00 We went to Webster’s Pond to feed the ducks and geese. Adison met us there. We were hoping to see some baby geese but there weren’t any. After we left the pond we stopped at Arctic Island for ice cream.
After the zoo we were off to Gannon's for ice cream.
Alice loves the little naked mole rats.
2015/05/23 23:30 We went to the Zoo today knowing we weren’t going to be able to see the baby elephant. We were hoping to maybe see the baby otters but no luck there. After the Zoo we stopped and had ice cream at Gannons.
I always start with a Dark N Stormy when I visit Al's.
Tristan liked the movie "Home". I can't say the same.
An icee or slushee or whatever they call this particular brand of brain freeze maker. And in a size bigger than your head!
2015/05/17 23:30 After the kids left Sean and I went to Subcat for the May Sub Rosa concert. As is custom after Sub Rosa we went to Al’s Wine and Whiskey Lounge.
Medal ceremony.
Racing fuel. The donuts of champions.
2015/05/17 16:00 We took the kids for a fun run this morning at Green Lakes State Park. On the way there Alice said, "The only thing I like doing with my legs is running" Later that afternoon I took the kids to see the movie “Home”. I like a lot of the movies made for kids but not this one. I can’t recommend it.
2015/05/16 22:00 One of the first fires this season in the Tiki fire bowl.
The little girl likes her snake.
2015/05/16 14:00 Alice fed her snake for the first time today. We bought a frozen mouse at the pet store. You have to thaw the mouse and then hold it in front of the snake. The snake swallows the mouse whole taking it head first.
Comment from my friend Marina, "♡♡This is WONDERFUL! My first snake was a black racer, followed by 2 garter snakes. That progressed quickly to rat snakes, pythons and eventually when I turned 15, the "hots", with my first viper. Then I co-founded the Tampa Bay Herpetological society! Look forward to seeing Alice's progress to become the greatest reptile expert evah!!!
2015/05/15 22:00 My four year old granddaughter got her first pet today. It is a four foot corn snake and she absolutely loves it. She named it Elsa, no surprise there. Alice has been asking for a snake for months. At one of the zoo camps she got up close with a ball python. I probably was going to get her a constrictor but a girl that Karen worked with was relocating and looking for a home for her snake (thank you Chanell Cole).
While I was in Miami I signed up for Uber. I received my first ride free and this pair of sunglasses that I gave to Tristan. Alice got sunglasses from Three Dots and a Dash from my trip to the Chicago Area Tiki Tour. Both kids got giraffe swizzles from Longitude. The swizzles, courtesy of Suzanne Long, have been a source of constant controversy. Alice uses hers by putting the giraffe in head first. Tristan goes feet first. Arguments ensue.
Much fun was had by all.
2015/05/09 23:00 Dinner at Tully's today.
"My Pop pop went on the Chicago Area Tiki Tour and all I got were these sunglasses".
2015/05/03 15:00
At the start for the Mountain Goat kids run they were dividing the kids up by age groups. Tristan was like, nope, my little sister stays with me. They ran the whole race holding hands.
Pre-race hydration.
2015/05/03 11:00 Tristan and Alice ran in the Mountain Goat kids fun run this morning.
Received this inspirational meme today from my friend Michelle.
2015/05/01 23:00 Mayday. 'Tis the first of May.
This latest iteration of my rants and rambles will still be much like past versions. I will continue to share way too much information. I will continue to be as weird as always. I am most likely still incredibly boring. And yet, despite these warnings, I still have those that are brave enough, or perhaps foolhardy enough, to read on. I know this because my site host, GoDaddy, provides me with the details of the number of views and from where they originate. Why do I have views from China?
And please remember: When life gives you melons, you might be dyslexic. Also, if life doesn't give you water and sugar then your lemonade will be terrible.
The rants! The rambles! The ravings! They continue and they may be getting farther afield. Has every semblance of normalcy been left so far behind that there is no longer hope?