2020/01/19 10:30 Google sent me this map showing my 2019 travels. For 2020 will be going to Atlanta in February for the Tiki homebar tour. Back to Atlanta in March for Inuhele. Trying to put together a February trip for Karen and I to visit Fort Lauderdale and Key West. June Hukilau in Florida and then Lake George for Ohana. Florida again in September for FOMCon. So far...

2020/01/17 19:30 Hanging out with the little baby Abigail.

2020/01/19 20:00 It is so cold here.


Episode 16.00; Polynesian Love Trap...

2020/01/25 14:00 "Frosty Forest" winter fete at Green Lakes. Torrential downpour. Good thing we brought brellas.

2020/01/28 22:00 Dinosaur World.

2020/02/07 11:00 Direct flight to Atlanta. Good thing it is a direct flight, flights to NYC canceled because of the weather. My flight is on time so far.

2020/01/01 11:00 New Year's Day. It is a new year. Feels the same as the old year. Actually it is a new decade I think. Still, I guess it is time for the obligatory reflection on things past and a look toward the future. 

I hope I have a better year ahead. I am on day three of a new drug regimen. Hormone replacement. I have low T. Low levels of testosterone. Supposedly if I boost my levels I will have more energy and will have more ambition. Not sure if my lack of ambition is due to the low T or to a general sense of depression. I don't know if I am clinically depressed or just sad. I am sad most of the time it seems. I believe that I am a deficient human being. There are parts of me that are missing.

My plan for 2020 is to be on top of my online stuff. I have this website that I have neglected off and on. I have my Instagram account that I post to sporadically. I haven't worked on my YouTube channel in a long time. And I have my Facebook page for Khan Tiki Mon's Bar and Lounge where I post my pulp fiction collection.

I have so much construction that I want to finish. Remodeling the basement. Making my shop more useful. And my bar needs so much work. I would like to be doing more artwork but I feel the weight of the construction projects hanging over me drain all my energy.

I need to just do stuff.

khan tiki mon's rants and rambles v.14.00

“I would say happy new year but it's not happy; it's exactly the same as last year except colder. ”
― Robert Clark 

“May the New Year bring you courage to break your resolutions early! My own plan is to swear off every kind of virtue, so that I triumph even when I fall!”
― Aleister Crowley, Moonchild

Hayride in the rain.

2020/02/12 09:00 

This is the latest iteration of my rants, rambles, and ravings. Is anything new? Does any of it matter? I will probably share way too much information. I am maybe as weird as I have ever been. I am sure that I am still incredibly boring. Is there any point to any of this? If you decide to keep reading and you feel later that you wasted your time I don’t think I will be sorry. It was your decision to read on and I do not feel responsible.

2020/01/26 13:30 At Destiny. Alice played in the tower. The boys were not old enough. Then Italian ice mixed with ice creaam.

2020/02/06 19:00

At the “Frosty Forest” winter fete at Green Lakes I wore this hat that my wife made for me years ago. I picked out the fabric. I couldn’t wear the hat for years. When my daughter was in high school the hat embarrassed her to her core. It could bring her to tears. Apparently the hat was physical evidence of how truly weird I am. My daughter has matured, has a Master’s degree now, three beautiful children, and has come to embrace my weirdness so the hat is now okay.

2020/01/25 18:00 When we left Green Lakes my 4 year old grandson Elliott asked to ride home with me and his cousin Alice. We got to hear Elliott’s origin story. We passed the convent and Elliott said that he used to live there when he was one year old. He had an apartment there and at night would listen to the wolves howling outside. He asked Alice if she had ever lived in the woods by herself. Elliott lived in the woods by himself until some guy found him and threw him in the trash. His mom was picking through the trash at the dump and found him and she brought him to the house where he lives now.

Episode 17.70; The Most Sensual of Dreams...

2020/01/30 10:30 I got a new hat for Christmas. Accidentally left it at Grant's house. I might not ever be able to wear it again.

2020/01/23 11:15 How's your day going? This is mine.

2020/01/23 14:00 Had to take Elliott to pre-k. On the way the little baby Abigail started crying. Elliott said I was going a different way than their mom and Abigail was crying because she was scared that I was going to run out of gas.

2020/01/04 14:00 Tristan's birthday. He is a teenager now. He wanted a Carvel ice cream cake.