2017/04/16 20:00 My daughter Adison sent this picture of my grandson working at her house.
2017/04/21 11:00 Yesterday while I was watching Elliott he discovered the gardening tools that Karen had left by the front door. There were big loppers, super sharp saws, and pruning shears. Elliott was very upset when I told him that he couldn't play with the frightening new toys he had found.
This latest iteration of my rants and rambles will still be much like past versions. I will continue to share way too much information. I will continue to be as weird as always. I am most likely still incredibly boring.
With sprinkles.
I think with the nice weather it easier for the fowl to find food and so they don't hang around the pond waiting for someone to feed them.
2017/04/23 10:00 Yesterday we went to see the Chinese Lantern Festival at the NY State Fairgrounds. I enjoyed it.
Opening day of Syracuse Chiefs baseball. I made it to the parking lot but they called the game. Afraid of a little rain I guess.
Tristan and one of the Minecraft shirts that Caity sent.
2017/04/22 11:00 We are going to celebrate Alice's birthday on Sunday. She turned six years old on the 15th.
After Home Depot Robert and I took Tristan and Alice to the movies. I had told them that I was going to take them to see "Power Rangers". They wanted to see "The Boss Baby" instead. So, we went to see "The Boss Baby" and we are going to see "Power Rangers" next week.
2017/04/01 09:00 I woke up this morning and I told my ten year old grandson that there was a fire at his school last night. I told him the fire had totally engulfed the building and that it had burned to the ground. The only part of the school that remained was the basement. He told me that he could come up with a better April Fool's Day joke than mine and that I was lame.
2017/04/19 17:00 Tax day was late this year. Income taxes were due to be filed on the 18th instead of the usual 15th. I finished preparing my taxes back in February. I had a refund coming on the Federal side and I owed money on the State side. I sent in my Federal return in February and got the refund. I held the State until yesterday. I filed electronically, which is the law, and the State was in my bank account today taking out the money.
Alice's birthday was the 15th, which is usually tax day. We are going to celebrate her birthday this coming weekend. She wants a 'poop' cake - after the 'poop' emoji.
I have gotten more work done on the website. It is mostly behind the scenes stuff; organization, links, stuff like that. I am really behind in getting my YouTube channel up and running.
In two weeks I leave for Chicago and the Chicago Area Tiki Tour. I am really looking forward to the trip and some quality Tiki time.
2017/04/02 09:00 Yesterday morning Karen and I took Alice to Home Depot for their kid's workshop. Alice made a rain gauge.
2017/04/06 23:00 After I got rained out of the baseball game I went to the mall and had a couple of beers at The World of Beer. Opening day baseball will have to remain on my bucket list for another year. Robert and I went to the movies this evening and saw "Ghost in the Shell". I liked it.
Alice loves her popcorn.
2017/04/13 19:00 I picked Elliott up this morning and we had breakfast at the Little Gem Diner.
2017/03/19 19:00 I went to Destiny Mall today to the Van's store and I got two pair of their Tiki sneakers. I got one red and one black.
2017/04/06 14:30
2017/03/25 11:00 It rained yesterday. It is raining again today. The rain may make the snow melt faster but I am not optimistic that the snow will be gone before April.
"Power Rangers" next week. I was pleasantly surprised by "The Boss Baby". It was better than I expected.
I continue to move forward. As I have said before there is no other path available. Retreat is not an option. The way ahead is not clear. Sometimes the way ahead is shrouded in darkness and I can't see what is waiting. As Dory says, "Just keep swimming".
2017/03/26 10:00 Yesterday Karen and I met Adison and Elliott at Red Robin for lunch. Elliott tried to eat a lemon.
2017/04/09 09:00 Yesterday Robert and I took Tristan and Alice to see "The Power Rangers" at Destiny. We met Michael there. Alice dove into the popcorn face first. She loves popcorn at the movies. I posted a picture of Alice eating popcorn and people suggested that the movie was so bad she was getting sick in the bucket. Not the case. The kids loved the movie.
2017/03/20 14:00 I went shopping today at Wegmans. It was another crappy Winter day. The work on the addition to the store is progressing. It looks like they are getting ready to do some brickwork outside.
Enjoying the stuff that Caity sent.
After Webster's Pond we stopped at Gannon's for ice cream.
Leaving the Chinese Lantern Festival.
Adventures in babysitting.
My daughter is pregnant with her second child and my fourth grandchild. She finds out the gender today.
My Tiki sneakers. These will be my Sunday-go-to-meetin' sneakers.
Playing Minecraft.
2017/04/06 11:00 I picked Elliott up this morning and we went to the All Night Eggplant for breakfast. I had eggs Benedict and Elliott had a pancake and sausages. A waitress in another section came over to our table. She exclaimed, "OMG. You are so cute!" I said thanks but asked her not to say stuff like that in front of the boy because he gets jealous. Elliott dropped his hat on the floor and our waitress came and picked it up. Elliott threw it back on the floor. Game on! When we were leaving Elliott walked up to the waitress and said, "Zip, zip". She zipped his coat up for him.
Alice's eggs are ready for Easter!
2017/04/14 18:00 It was a nice day today so Adison, Karen, and I took Elliott to Webster's Pond to feed the ducks and geese.
2017/03/22 13:00 I woke up this morning and looked outside and saw that it had snowed last night. It was very cold. It was windy and blustery. I am saying that it is still Winter. March is just another Winter month again this year. Climate change.
Last night Michael and I went to the movies to see "Kong: Skull Island". I liked it more than he did. I actually found it pretty entertaining and very well made. A stellar cast as they say. I have heard rumors I think that they are going to make a King Kong vs. Godzilla movie. I would go to see that.
2017/03/29 18:00 I set up an event on Facebook. Opening day baseball game.
2017/04/03 10:00 Yesterday was just another lazy Sunday.
I have to check the local labor laws. I'm not sure how hard I can work the little dude at my house.
Elliott got a stick.
2017/03/23 16:00 We got a package in the mail today from my sister-in-law Caity. New hats.
2014/04/18 21:00 My friend Lucky liked my photos from Gannon's. He liked the caricatures. So, at great personal sacrifice I packed up the youngins and we went to Gannon's so I could shoot some more photos. We also had some ice cream when we were there.
Much fun was had by all.
After breakfast we ran a few errands. My parents called and Karen and I met them for lunch at Denny's with Robert and Elliott. After lunch I went to see Venus and got my hair cut and my beard trimmed. A nothing that special kind of day. I haven't been sleeping well at night. I think it may be because I have been taking some big naps. I didn't take a nap today and I am hoping that I will sleep better tonight.
The acrobatic contortionist was amazing. She was amazing but even more so when you realized she had to be in her mid to late 40s. Guessing her age based on the competitions they said she had won in her introduction. I figure she had to have been at least 12 when she first won, maybe older.
Elliott says my Pop is so mean. He won't let me lop off my fingers and stuff.
It is raining again today. I will be working inside. I had a contractor over to the house yesterday evening for a quote on taking down three trees. The quote was exactly what I expected it to be and so I told him to do the work. He said he will do it next week.
Adison had her doctor's appointment yesterday and she found out she is having another boy. She said they are going to name him Grant Scott. The Scott is after me.
2017/03/27 16:00 It is still very cold today. There are still piles of snow that linger and so far refuse to melt away. I went to Wegmans today and here is the latest on the construction.
2017/03/17 10:00 Today is St. Patrick's Day. Happy St. Patrick's Day to one and all. Today is the tenth anniversary of my website. I first published this website ten years ago today. The original site was one page and the content was really less than a paragraph. I got very little traffic to the website. The site now has 127 pages and for the last few months I have had over 2,000 hits a month.
2017/04/20 13:00 I went and picked up Elliott this morning. It was raining. Not a heavy rain but more like a mist. Drizzling is probably the best word to describe it. It was cool but not cold. A light jacket was fine. Karen and I are watching the little dude today. And Brego is helping watch and entertain the little boy.
Alice wanted to make and decorate her own cake.
I have never been to an opening day baseball game. I am going this year, no matter the weather, I am going to have beers, hot dogs, beers, pretzels, and maybe some more beers. Join me.
There were less than a dozen ducks in the pond and the number of geese were significantly less than over the winter.
2017/04/07 09:00 I woke up this morning and I saw that it had snowed last night.